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Ballet and Jazz hand painted watercolor, personalized with your child's name, hair color, choice of leotard and skirt color, ballet shoes or pointe shoes for $20.00 each. All drawings are matted 5X7 inches and ready for framing. Shipped within 10 days. A great gift!
 Not produced by Danc'eM


Hand Painted Watercolor







This 'Emily' above (draft) is a corrected version of the first 'Emily' above but with corrected feet... Just to let you see how the feet will be....

****After you have ordered please write in the window for "other directions" 1. name, 2. hair color, 3. any other caption (studio or holiday or birthday) 4. skin tone, 5. leotard color, 6. Ballet shoes or pointe shoes, 7. glasses, curly hair or different hair style.****
 Not produced by Danc'eM




Order this Hand painted watercolor
Ballerina on pointe
 $20.00 click below





****After you have ordered please write in the window for "other directions" 1. name, 2. hair color, 3. any other caption (studio or holiday or birthday) 4. skin tone, 5. leotard color, 6. Ballet shoes or pointe shoes, 7. glasses, curly hair or different hair style.****
 Not produced by Danc'eM


Order this hand painted watercolor
Jazz dancer
for $20.00 click below






****After you have ordered please write in the window for "other directions" 1. name, 2. hair color, 3. any other caption (studio or holiday or birthday) 4. skin tone, 5. shirt and pants color, 6. Tap shoes or jazz shoes, 7. glasses, curly hair or different hair style.****
 Not produced by Danc'eM

All sales are final. No refunds. If you are unsure about a purchase, please call the office and we will be happy to talk to you about the product or play anything over the phone.

Comments? Questions? Feedback? Write! DeannaLLow@aol.com

Call Us Toll-Free at 1-888-432-6236

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