Dancing Princesses from our Ballet Vol. II Stories to Dance.
We also took a preview look at the new Ballet Volume III with four
more wonderful stories to keep the beginning ballet students happy while
learning technique.
Everyone loved
We sat (no pictures of this we were too busy doing it! ) and
talked about problems and shared solutions with each other about how we do 'it'
in our studios. This was SOOOOO helpful and informative. For the teacher's to
share how they run their business with other teachers was just fantastic!!
This gave all of us a lot of good ideas to take back home and use in our own
We finished up with how to teach 'hard' ballet steps like:
jeteŽ, assembleŽ and chaineŽ turns. We had drawings for free stuff. We gave away
all the tote bags from Lands End that we used both days in the workshop.
Holding a teddy bear (we pretended) and curtsy... at the end of the Teddy
Bear Dance from Ballet Volume I.
The new Oriental Doll dance (with fans) from our new The Wondrous Working
Toy Factory Theme CD.
Goodbye to our teachers from California who came the farthest to
participate in our 2005 Teacher's Workshop.