Complete Recitals
These recital themes come with music,
free teacher's notes and suggestions to help you plan a successful
recital using a theme. Dances with an * next to them means a
totally instrumental dance for intermediate and advanced.
Wondrous Working Toy Factory Performance CD $29.99
1. Start the Show
(w/o vocal) 1:59
2. Wondrous Working Toy Factory Workers (w/o vocal) 2:17
3. Baby Doll (w/vocal) 2:43
4. Baby Doll (w/o vocal) 2:43
5. Rag Doll (w/vocal) 2:10
6. Rag Doll (w/o vocal) 210
7. Mermaid and Sailors (w/vocal) 2:44
8. Mermaid and Sailors (w/o vocal) 2:44 10. Doll Doctor (w/o vocal) 2:26
11. Wind Up Toy (w/vocal) 2:23
12. Wind Up Toy (w/o vocal) 2:23 13.
*Clean Up Crew (hip hop) (w/o vocal) 3:08
14. Mexican Doll (w/vocal) 2:36 15. Mexican Doll (w/o vocal) 2:36
16. Oriental Doll (w/vocal) 2:39 17. Oriental Doll (w/o vocal) 2:39 18. Music Box Doll (w/vocal) 3:04
19. Music Box Doll (w/vocal) 3:04
20. Princess Doll (w/vocal) 3:07
21. Princess Doll (w/o vocal) 3:07 *22. Can Can (w/o vocal) 2:30
23. End the Show (w/o vocal) :54.
This great CD is an enhanced CD and contains all the music, dance notes, idea
package, recital ideas and stage help you need to make a wonderful show. To
hear the music put The CD in your CD player, to see the notes and other text,
put the CD into your computer.
To instantly download the Wondrous Working Toy Factory
for $22.55
Through the Garden Gate Performance CD $29.99
This Double CD contains 16 dances to use for performances.
Lovely music that cues
the dancers so it is easier to learn the dance steps because the steps fit the music perfectly. Dances with * have
vocal instruction bands and performance bands. Bands 1,2,3, 15, 16 have songs;
the other 11 are instrumental only. All have free written choreographic notes
Included free
with the purchase of the "Through the Garden Gate" CD, is the
"Through The Garden Gate Idea Package". The complete "Through the
Garden Gate Idea Package" is designed to aid you in creating the
best show ever! This package helps you build from that basic idea
to create a wonderful "Through the Garden Gate" show for your
dance studio! Ideas on solos, other class dances, other music,
back drops, sets, props, sample program cover and a lot more.
Comes on a Data CD.
1.Tapping Lady Bugs
-Tap Beginners Level I, (song and dance) 2:24
2. Star Light Star Bright (Prop) Pre Ballet (song and dance) 2:20
3. Tapping Lightening Bugs *- Tap Beginners Level I, (song and
dance) 2:07
4. *Butterflies- Ballet Beginning Level 1, 2:35
5. *Carnations Ballet Intermediate I Ballet, 2:08 *6. Daisies - Pre Ballet Dance 1:46
7. *Gardening Maids (Or Gardeners) Tap Intermediate, 2:30
8. *Honey Bees, Ballet Level I, 2:33
9. *Buttercups - Ballet Beginning Level II, 2:15
*10. Orchids Ballet Advanced, 3:01
11. Pansies Tap Advanced Beginners, 2:36
*12. Roses Ballet Intermediate I, 2:21
13. *Sunflowers Ballet Beginning Level I, 2:23
14. *Tulips Ballet Level I Advanced, 2:39
15. Dancing Bunny * Pre Ballet (song
and dance) 1:43
16. Little Clouds Lyrical (song and dance) 3:01
Order this music CD and the data CD both for $29.99.
The complete 'Through the Garden Gate' Show idea package is designed to
aid you in creating the best show in your area. These ideas have been used and
adored by our audiences, as will be yours! this package is designed to
build from that basic idea to help you create a wonderful "Through the Garden
Gate" for your dance studio! This is an enhanced CD which means that you get
music and data all on the same CD. Just put it in your CD player for the music
and into your computer for the notes.
Purchase this Enhanced CD
with all the dances and all the ideas
for $29.99
To download this CD for
$19.99 and get it instantly with music, dance notes and recital
suggestions, and cover art for show
In addition to these great dances you also
get a data CD with recital ideas, cover art to use for your program,
additional music ideas, costume ideas from Costume Gallery, and how to make this into a full length recital. This
is a great theme and wonderful music.
If you haven't tried to use a theme in your recitals,
this is a painless way to get started.
We offer complete support for you!
to order this Enhanced CD which contains
the music, the ideas, and notes, click here
Buy an instant download
(music and notes) of Under
the Sea for
Dancing the Circus
Performance CD
Teacher notes free. All songs include voice over on one band
and without voice over on the performance band to use in the show.
Tap notes available for $5.00.
Click on the musical note to hear mp3 files.
Songs/dances include:
1. Welcome To The Circus 2:02 2.
Here Come The Clowns 2:28
3. Elephants 1:05
4. Little Lions 1:30
Balloons 1:48
Little Doggies in the Show 1:58
Tigers 1:36
Cotton Candy 1:28
Closing To The Circus 0:50
Price includes a data CD
with a complete circus
show idea packet including:
Circus Show Names
Circus Set ideas (back drop and stage sets)
Solo dance ideas to add excitement to the circus
Other dance ideas to go with the circus theme to help you
round out your
entire show.
Prop ideas
Back stage ideas
Other web sites where you can purchase other
Circus music for your show
Ideas for your concession stand
Free Circus program cover
Order this complete package that
includes Dancing the Circus, and the free data CD
with ideas to improve and expand your show for $19.99.
Download this music and notes instantly for $15.99
If you already have our Creative Movement Vol. 5 Circus and want
to order the data CD. Just click below and for $10.00 you will get
the data CD with all the circus ideas to help you make your circus
show really spectacular.