Barbie Dances:
1. Barbie Model
2. Barbie Cowgirl
3. Barbie Diary
4. Barbie Oresents
5. Happyt Birthday Barbie
6. Barbie and Tanner
7. Barbie Guitar
8. Barbie Jive
9. Barbie Jazz
Order a download of just these
nine Barbie dances for $15.99

Order these 9 Barbie dances
mailed to you on a CD $19.99
Barbie Warm up CD: Plie´,
tendu, leg swings, grand battement, head isolations, chasses in the
centre, Jazz walks with clapo, skips forward and back, two chasse´s
rt<, Walk and Clap, step and kick, boogie woogie, one chasse´
r&l, side together, side touch back and hips, 2 runs and grand jete,
hallelujah arms, side cross 3 times and step, step heel dig with claps,
3 step turn r&l, jazz square w/ the barbie step, twist
24 Warm up tracks as a download

24 Warm up tracks as a CD mailed
to you $32.00
Barbie Coloring Book $5.99
downolad only