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Year Long (9 Months) Pre-Hip
Hop Program
for ages 3-5

This program contains everything you need to have a great
Beginners Pre-Hip Hop Program for 3-5 year olds.
It is in 9
month form. Each month is on a separate CD that includes the
teacher's manual, that month's music for the lesson (warm up,
dances, story and the jam session) for a half hour class, (with
notes). A 38 page coloring book with the hip hop moves
depicted comes with the program. There are 8 different dances, 4
different warm ups and 8 different instrumental (5-6 minutes)
tracks that provide a 'jam session' for each class
letters to the parents for each month telling the parents what the
dancers are doing in class and what is new. You can personalize
these letters and make any changes you want.

Here is one of the coloring pages
Big Foot!
To listen to some clips of these songs, click on the
music note

next to the dance.
Here are the warm ups used in the program:
1. Poppin' Bird Warm up
2. Hip Hop Dancing Dawg Warm up
Big Foot Warm up
4. Hip Hop Bumble Bee Warm up
are the 8 dances that are in the program:
1. Poppin

I'm a Little Robot Bug
3. Hip Hop Dancing Dawg
4. I'm a Lil'Ity Kitty
5. Big Foot
Hip Hop Bumble Bee
7. Bouncing Bear
8. Lil Red in the Hood
Here are the Stories to Dance for this Program
1. Hip Hop Machine
2. I Wear my Hat to the Back
3. All Aboard
4. Hip Hop Freeze
There are
different Instrumental tracks to jam with in class.
Each track is approximately 5-6 minutes for a great jam circle at
the end of class.
Our Pre-Hip Hop Coloring
Book comes with the program and has 38 different pages to print out and use as take home reminders of
what they learned in the class.
Bear, one of the coloring pages.
this 9 month program including everything (a CD for each month, a
teacher's manualon CD, a CD Coloring Book, CD with all the dances for
performance) all sent by mail (free shipping in the US) add $20.00
paypal payment for shipping to
Canada only. No shipping outside US unless you contact me and send
a PayPal payment for shipping. Please download this program
if you are international
this Pre-Hip Hop for $76.75 as a download

Year Long (9 Months) Hip
Hop Program
for ages 5-7

This program contains
everything you need to have a
great Beginners Hip Hop Program. It is in 9 month CDs with teacher's manual,
40 page coloring book with the hip hop moves depicted and 5 different
instrumental tracks that provide a 'jam session' for each class where the
dancers can show off the moves they learned. All the 8 dances and the 4 warm
ups will be demonstrated on YouTube (no DVD to buy).
Go to
to see these 8 dances and 4 warm ups demonstrated
Watch the dance or warmup you want to view.
To listen to some clips of these songs, click on the
music note
next to
the dance.
Here are the warm ups used in the program:
1. Warming up
to the Beat
2. Hip Hop Boppers
3. Banging on the Drums
4. Party Rockin'
are the 8 dances that are in the program
1. Henry the Hip Hop Mouse
2. I've Got the Moves
3. Hip Hop Boppers
4. Pirates
5. Banging on the Drums (with
drum and drum sticks props)
6. I'm a Super Hero
7. I Wanna Play Sports
8. Turning Dance
You will be able to see these dances
demonstrated on YouTube for free, no DVD to buy.
Here are the Stories to Dance
1. Hip Hop Freeze
2. Rocket Ship
3. Bringing
Old School Back
4. Boppin' to School
There are Six
different Instrumental tracks to jam with in class.
Each track is approximately 4-5 minutes for a great jam circle at
the end of class.
Click here to hear an MP3
clip of one of the tracks.
Buy our Hip Hop Coloring
Book come with the program and has 40 different pages to print out and use as take home reminders of
what they learned in the class.
Pull the Plug
Buy this 9
month program including everything (a CD for each month, a
teacher's manual on CD, a CD Coloring Book, CD with all the dances for
performance) all sent by mail (free shipping in
the US) add $35.00 paypal payment for shipping to
Canada only. No shipping outside US. Please download this program